Friday, May 1, 2015

C. Ronaldo shoots ball on head boy and gives away shirt

Everyone knows Cristiano Ronaldo or even if you do not like football.He seems to have some arrogant touches now and then, inside and outside the field. But in this movie, he also let you have a big heart. He shoots during the warm-up a free kick on goal and hit a boy on his head. His response is beautiful.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

These kids have to find their mother blindfolded, but whether it works ...

There is something special with the parent - child bond. At birth know the little ones to recognize their mother and perfect even when they are older they seem to have this super good. During this small little research they have tested this fact, because it is really true that the bond between mother and child is so strong?
Children must find their mother blindfolded
Children must find their mother blindfolded
Children must find their mother blindfolded

Grandpa shoots down three burglars who want to rape granddaughter!


Kenneth Byrd is a 67-year-old man who along with his wife and granddaughter unsuspecting home was on the bench when it was suddenly rang. A man at the door claimed he had car trouble and asked if Kenneth might have some water.
That's when Kenneth took them to his safe back at home and handed his money. But in that same vault was also his gun. He fired directly at the three guys who tried to flee. He hit all three, but was also affected.
The three boys flee in their cars, but two hours later in a hospital were still detained by the police. The third boy was found dead in the car.Kenneth was also taken to a hospital in critical condition, but eventually managed to survive.

Man commits suicide after dog is taken away from him

A dog is man's closest friend, is sometimes said. In this case that is certainly true, but with tragic consequences. In Denmark, an owner committed suicide after his dog (Zanto) from him was taken. Zanto apparently turned out to be a race that in the area where his owner and he lived to be banned. He had not done anything wrong, but was nevertheless taken suddenly. And instead of being put in the shelter he was made ​​of lace. This made ​​his master so confused that this, in turn, took an overdose of painkillers and never woke up. A sad story.

male dog

Saturday, April 25, 2015

No one would come to the party with her daughter. So this mother did something beautiful

This is the 10-year-old Mackenzie Moretter from Shakopee, Minnesota.It looked as though Mackenzie's birthday party would be a lonely party.
Mackenzie Moretter
When she was younger Sotos syndrome was diagnosed with a rare genetic disorder that creates developmental disabilities, making it difficult for her to make social contacts.
Mackenzie's parents were very sad that none of the 10 invited maids had accepted her invitation.
"She never really friends," says her father Matt. "No one ever came to her play. She always plays with her brother and sisters. "
So decided to place her mother Jenny a Facebook post on the day of her party, which she asked other parents if their children wanted to come on Mackenzie's party. "She's awfully loving and would love to have friends," wrote Jenny. "As the mother being which is heartbreaking."
mother Mackenzie
Within a few hours it went viral message. Local news and called on Mackenzie suddenly had hundreds of friends who wanted to come to her birthday party.
And when this happened ...
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After seeing these pictures you'll never want to go to Australia

There is a nice trip to Australia still on your bucket list? Well, after seeing the 10 photos below might not. Because there are scary animals.Very much. And everywhere ...
There crocodiles swimming in the sea
And sharks are not really special there ... more
Even in the water at the golf course
The bats are HUGE
Snakes are everywhere. Even on the golf course
Also in the toilet
Wow ... 
The bats are HUGE, there is nothing to pull the hoses to ...

This girl could never speak. Until ...

After the birth of Rylan Anne seemed to be nothing wrong. When she was 1 year old she started to say her first word, like other peers.Everything was however 'cat'. Until they move from one day to nothing more said. No more, no word.
The parents of Rylan figured nothing and went to the hospital. There it was Rettsyndroom detected. A rare congenital disorder that occurs almost exclusively in girls and leads to severe mental and physical disability. As it now looked at, she would never talk.
Until she came into contact with a girl from Birmingham. She is one year older than Rylan and has the same syndrome. Though it is much more developed than Rylan. This is because they have a Tobii. A device that responds to eye movements and thus can communicate for her. The only problem was that the unit cost $ 15,000. That would Rylans parents can never get together.
Until she met David. A man who felt so connected to Rylan, he posted a Facebook message and asking for help. He has picked up this $ 8,000.Then it went fast. Within a short time they had the money together and they were able to purchase the Tobii. Since then it has changed their lives Rylan and can communicate with the outside world.
Great story!