Monday, April 20, 2015

17 signs that you are completely addicted to watching series

If you ever face a choice: a trip to Hawaii or a week long watching TV series, anyway you choose the second. Nope, nothing so delicious hang like a whole day in your seat and impose a small run. Is binge-watching you strange? Then surely you recognize yourself in these 15 signs that you might be a little bit're addicted to watching series:

1. You look at least one episode per day

Cause a day without series, is a day wasted!

2. Usually followed by a second, third, fourth, ...

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3. You use every free moment to look at your new favorite series ...

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On the train, while waiting for the bus, in the file: any time = TV show time!

4. ... and any place that lends itself to

Oh yeah, everywhere!

5. While you watch series, you are completely inaccessible to the rest of the world

A man must set priorities, right? :-)

6. How many attempts you take ... you hit NEVER before midnight in your bed

Or not to sleep ...

7. If you are not free, you just think of one thing: how much you could look further NOW

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Seriously, who has school and work ever invented anyway? 

8. Sometimes you say even dates with your friends off in order to continue watching

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But it was the SEASON FINALE!

9. The bond with the characters on the other hand stronger by the day

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And you get the feeling that you know that people really ... WHATEVER SO!

10. You've seen almost every series before it is broadcast on the Flemish TV

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Why, NEW ?? 

11. The day when Netflix finally came to Belgium, was the best day of your life

Life is AWESOME!

12. You'll be in ecstasy when you FINALLY find someone with whom you can talk about your favorite, (bit strange) series

Will you be my BFF, pleeeeaaaaaase ??

13. But the question "what is your favorite series" comes your hair up

Too much choice. Much too much choice !!

14. And you HATE people who watch series "wasting time" call

WHAT THE HELL? Healthy exercise? Or read books? 

15. You use constantly quotes from series

Whether or not appropriate in daily life ...;-)

16. And the winners of the Emmy Awards? Which game you like the BEST!

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Boenk it! Each. Year. AGAIN.

17. You have now received an incredible amount of sense to impose a small run

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And rightly so !!


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