Friday, April 24, 2015

Now this is karma: This is the greatest response to a separation letter EVER!

In a parting letter gives a woman how unhappy she was about their marriage and that with the brother of her husband is away. The response they get this one had expected!
Woman's letter:
"Dear husband,
I am writing this letter to tell you that I'm leaving forever. Over seven years I have been a good wife to you and I have nothing that proves this.
The last two weeks have been hell. Your boss called this afternoon to tell me that you resigned today and for me that was the last straw.
Last week, you came home and did not notice that I had my nails done and been to the hairdresser. I cooked your favorite meal, pork cotelletjes with carrots, and had put on a brand new set for the occasion.
You came home, swallowed your food within 2 minutes in and sat down to watch TV to fall immediately after a game of football asleep. You tell me again that you love me, you hug or kiss me no more. Either you're cheating on me or you do not love me. Whatever the reason is, I'm gone!
PS: If you want to search me, forget it. Your BROTHER and I are going to live in Spain! Another nice life desired! "
Signed: your ex-wife. ...
When she was waiting at the airport for the plane, her name was called. At the desk of the airline was handed her a letter, which was specially brought by courier. The letter said the following:
"Dear ex-wife,
Nothing has done more to me today than pleasure reading your letter.It's true that you and I have been married for seven years, but a "good woman" is nonetheless been anything but what you are.
I look constantly at the Sports Channel to not hear your eternal whining.Unfortunately, it does not. I had seen indeed you were her off there last week, the first thing that came to me to say that you "like a man" looked! My mother always taught me to say anything if you have nothing positive to say. When your ready made my favorite food, you probably have me confused with MY BROTHER, because I stopped seven years ago with eating pork.
I went to bed early because I had seen that the price tag still hanging on your new set. I hoped it was pure coincidence that my brother had borrowed fifty euro from me tomorrow and that cost your kit 49.95 euros.
When I got home, however, you were gone and I found your letter.Everything has its cause, I think. I hope you will be able to lead the life you always wanted. My lawyer tells me, after reading your letter, I will have no money to share. So go beyond good.
PS. I do not know if I've ever told you, but my brother Charles was born originally as "Carla". I hope this will not be a problem. "
Signed: filthy rich and SINGLE !!!!


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