After the birth of Rylan Anne seemed to be nothing wrong. When she was 1 year old she started to say her first word, like other peers.Everything was however 'cat'. Until they move from one day to nothing more said. No more, no word.
The parents of Rylan figured nothing and went to the hospital. There it was Rettsyndroom detected. A rare congenital disorder that occurs almost exclusively in girls and leads to severe mental and physical disability. As it now looked at, she would never talk.
Until she came into contact with a girl from Birmingham. She is one year older than Rylan and has the same syndrome. Though it is much more developed than Rylan. This is because they have a Tobii. A device that responds to eye movements and thus can communicate for her. The only problem was that the unit cost $ 15,000. That would Rylans parents can never get together.
Until she met David. A man who felt so connected to Rylan, he posted a Facebook message and asking for help. He has picked up this $ 8,000.Then it went fast. Within a short time they had the money together and they were able to purchase the Tobii. Since then it has changed their lives Rylan and can communicate with the outside world.
Great story!
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